60 research outputs found

    Online Peer feedback: Anvendelsen af Peergrade i universitetsundervisningen

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    Peergrade is a digital tool that can be used to support peer feedback activities; This article describes the use of the tool in university teaching, more specifically in the subject Prehistoric Archeology II at Aarhus University. The activities were not compulsory, but the improved portfolio assignments were included in the students' individual exam portfolio, which was handed in prior to the oral examination in the subject. We describe the students experiences based on their responses to the questionnaire and participation in focus group interview. We describe recommendations for using peer feedback activity with Peergrade in university teaching.Peergrade er et digitalt redskab, der kan anvendes til at understøtte peer feedback aktiviteter. I denne artikel beskrives anvendelsen af redskabet i universitetsundervisning, nærmere betegnet i faget Forhistorisk Arkæologi II på Aarhus Universitet. Aktiviteterne var ikke obligatoriske, men de forbedrede portfolio-opgaver indgik i de studerendes individuelle eksamensportfolio, der blev afleveret forud for mundtlig eksamen i faget. Vi beskriver de studerendes oplevelser på baggrund af deres svar på spørgeskema og deltagelse i fokusgruppeinterview.  Vi slutter af med anbefalinger for brug af peer feedback aktiviteter med Peergrade i universitetsundervisning

    ”Vi ved godt, at det bare er på ’note-plan´” - Studerendes digitale læringsstrategier i peer feedback via Screencast

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    Screencast is a digital format allowing for both visual and auditive feedback on texts. Former research indicates that Screencast qualifies teacher feedback to students, however, it has not been investigated how learning designs support the use of Screencast in peer feedback and how students actually use it. In analyses of 10 authentic student Screencasts we investigate their digital learning strategies as they balance positive and negative feedback. Using Bakhtin’s conception of dialogue together with Goffman’s face-work theory we identify three strategies they use in their dialogue with the text and the recipient they imagine. These strategies reveal how students negotiate their relationship and academic identity multimodally in-interaction with the text and their peers. Evidently, students try to be a qualified academic and at the same time a loyal peer student in peer feedback. We conclude that students’ digital learning strategies have potential to develop their professional, digital and work related competences.Screencast er et digitalt format, som giver mulighed for at give tekstnær peer feedback via lyd og billede. Der er forskningsmæssigt belæg for, at det kvalificerer underviserens feedback (Killingback, Ahmed, & Williams, 2019), men det er ikke undersøgt, hvilke digitale læringsstrategier de studerende bruger i anvendelsen af formatet i deres peer feedback. I næranalyser af 10 autentiske screencasts undersøger vi, hvilke digitale læringsstrategier studerende bruger i balancen mellem at give kritisk og anerkendende peer feedback. Med afsæt i Bakhtins dialogbegreb (Bakhtin, 1981) og Goffmans facework teori (Goffman, 1972) identificerer vi tre læringsstrategier i deres dialoger med teksten og den modtager, de forestiller sig. Strategierne viser, hvordan de studerende forhandler deres relation og akademiske faglighed multimodalt gennem fx ord og brug af kropssprog. I deres dialog balancerer de mellem at fremstå som en kompetent akademiker og loyal medstuderende. Brug af feedback på screencast kan udvikle deres faglige, digitale samt arbejdsrettede kompetencer

    Emotionelt arbejde og læring i asynkron peer-feedback

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    Tidligere forskning i peer-feedback har fokuseret på, hvordan kognitive og indholdsmæssige frem for emotionelle forhold har betydning for studerendes læring. Denne artikel undersøger sammenhænge mellem deres læring og det det emotionelle arbejde, der kan være forbundet med asynkron peer-feedback via Screencast. I et emotionssociologisk perspektiv undersøger vi med afsæt i tre fokusgruppeinterviews, hvordan informanterne oplever at få og give peer-feedback til en ”usynlig” modtager. Resultaterne viser, at asynkron peer-feedback har et stort lærings-potentiale, hvor studerende får indsigt i egne opgaver gennem indblik i medstuderendes arbejde. Følgende tre emotionelle balancer præger deres peer-feedback og emotionelle arbejde: 1. At udvise personligt nærvær samtidig med faglig distance. 2. At integrere egne forventninger med modtagers. 3. At balancere faglig sikkerhed og usikkerhed. Vi sammenfatter disse fund i en dialogisk model, der kan anvendes i kvalificeringen af studerendes arbejde med peer-feedback på synkrone møder før og efter asynkron peer-feedback

    Digitale prøver – et litteraturstudie

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    Digitale prøveformer bliver efterhånden mere og mere udbredte. Denne artikel er baseret på et litteraturstudie foretaget for at få indsigt i primært forskningslitteraturen om digitale prøveformer. I artiklen præsenterer vi de forskellige typer digitale prøver, der omtales og diskuteres i litteraturen, og vi beskriver de potentielle fordele af bl.a. økonomisk, administrativ og pædagogisk karakter, der ifølge litteraturen kan opnås ved at bruge digitale prøver. Vi beskriver endvidere de udfordringer og potentielle ulemper, der kan være forbundet med indførelse af digitale prøver. Det drejer sig bl.a. om udfordringer hvad angår prøvesystem, organisation, teknologi, kompetenceudvikling og uddannelseskultur. Vi beskriver i artiklen en række konkrete eksempler på digitale prøver, og vi præsenterer resultater fra undersøgelser af underviseres og studerendes oplevelser med digitale prøveformer. Against the backdrop of the rapid spread of digitized tests and exams, this article sets out to present some of the results of a literature study carried out with the aim of gaining insight into the research literature on this topic. The article presents different types of tests, focusing on the financial, administrative, and pedagogical advantages described and discussed in the literature as potentially attainable through the use of digitized exams. In addition, the challenges and potential problems connected with the introduction of digitized tests are described. Among these are challenges related to the test system or to competence development as well as organizational, technological, and cultural challenges. Finally, the article provides concrete descriptions of tests and presents results from select studies of teacher and student experiences of digitized tests

    Nærvær på afstand : En undersøgelse af asynkron, mundtlig vejledning og feedback

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    Artiklen beskriver en kvalitativ undersøgelse af brugen af asynkron, tekstindlejret, mundtlig vejledning og feedback på en bachelor- og kandidatuddannelse på et dansk universitet. Vi har undersøgt, hvordan det pædagogiske og mellemmenneskelige nærvær i den faglige vejledning og feedback kan bevares og styrkes selv under ændrede fysiske og digitale vilkår. Vi sætter særligt fokus på betydningen af ”stemme” som et element af digitalt understøttet vejledning og feedback, og vi undersøger dermed, hvordan kropslighed og personligt nærvær digitalt kan indlejres i asynkrone vejledningsforløb. Vi ønsker at supplere forskningen i multimodalitet i vejledning og kommunikation ved at undersøge, om færre modaliteter (i dette tilfælde tekst og lyd kombineret) samt det at udelade videodimensionen fra vejledningen kan give en skærpet oplevelse af vejleders og studerendes personlige og faglige stemmer, som kan danne grundlag for en anderledes konstruktiv form for lytning og opmærksomhed

    Live videotransmitteret undervisning

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    undertitel: - Erfaringer og metodiske principper fra Bioanalytikeruddannelsen, VIA University CollegeAbstraktPå Bioanalytikeruddannelsen i Aarhus, VIAs sundhedsfaglige højskole, har man i en længere periode haft et kombi-hold, hvor man kombinerer traditionel og live transmitteret undervisning (via et innovativt valg af videokonferencesystem). På de såkaldte netdage er der mulighed for enten at møde op til undervisningen, som man plejer, eller at deltage i undervisningen hjemmefra.Artiklen præsenterer et deltagende aktionsforskningsprojekt mellem projektteamet på udannelsen og forskere fra Aalborg Universitet. Målet var at: afdække potentialer og barrierer ud fra et it-støttet læringsperspektiv; udvikle robuste didaktiske undervisningsscenarier; samt kvalificere underviserne og hermed forankringen af projektet. Forskningsdata blev indsamlet gennem videooptagelser, ”dagens spørgsmål” til de studerende, fokusgruppeinterview med lærerne, og Pædagogisk Dag-workshop. Analysen sætter fokus på erfaringerne under anvendelse af professionshøjskolernes Rektorkollegiums Studieaktivitetsmodel. Slutteligt samles der i artiklen op på de teknologsike, sociale og didaktiske-pædagogiske relationer set i lyset af projektets mål og resultater.Abstract in EnglishAt the education for Biomedical Laboratory Scientist at Aarhus, VIA's healthcare college, they have a combi-class, combining traditional and live broadcast teaching (via an innovative choice of video conferencing system). In the so-called net-days, there is the option to either attend the classes as usual, or to attend classes from home.This paper presents a participatory action research project between the project team at VIA and researchers from Aalborg University. The objectives were to: identify potentials and barriers from an IT-supported learning perspective; develop robust didactic teaching scenarios; qualify teachers, and secure the anchoring of the project. Research data were collected through video recordings, "questions of the day" to the students, focus group interviews with teachers and Educational Day workshop. The analysis focuses on the experiences applying the university college’s presidium Student Activity Model. Finally, the paper sums-up on the technological, social and didactic-pedagogic relationships in light of the project's objectives and results

    Causal inference for planning randomised critical care trials:Protocol for a scoping review

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    BACKGROUND: Randomised clinical trials in critical care are prone to inconclusiveness owing, in part, to undue optimism about effect sizes and suboptimal accounting for heterogeneous treatment effects. Planned predictive enrichment based on secondary critical care data (often very rich with respect to both data types and temporal granularity) and causal inference methods may help overcome these challenges, but no overview exists about their use to this end. METHODS: We will conduct a scoping review to assess the extent and nature of the use of causal inference from secondary data for planned predictive enrichment of randomised clinical trials in critical care. We will systematically search 10 general and specialty journals for reports published on or after 1 January 2018, of randomised clinical trials enrolling adult critically ill patients. We will collect trial metadata (e.g., recruitment period and phase) and, when available, information pertaining to the focus of the review (predictive enrichment based on causal inference estimates from secondary data): causal inference methods, estimation techniques and software used; types of patient populations; data provenance, types and models; and the availability of the data (public or not). The results will be reported in a descriptive manner. DISCUSSION: The outlined scoping review aims to assess the use of causal inference methods and secondary data for planned predictive enrichment in randomised critical care trials. This will help guide methodological improvements to increase the utility, and facilitate the use, of causal inference estimates when planning such trials in the future

    Deep phenotyping of the unselected COPSAC2010 birth cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: We hypothesize that perinatal exposures, in particular the human microbiome and maternal nutrition during pregnancy, interact with the genetic predisposition to cause an abnormal immune modulation in early life towards a trajectory to chronic inflammatory diseases such as asthma and others. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to explore these interactions by conducting a longitudinal study in an unselected cohort of pregnant women and their offspring with emphasis on deep clinical phenotyping, exposure assessment, and biobanking. Exposure assessments focus on the human microbiome. Nutritional intervention during pregnancy in randomized controlled trials are included in the study to prevent disease and to be able to establish causal relationships. METHODS: Pregnant women from eastern Denmark were invited during 2008–2010 to a novel unselected ‘COPSAC(2010)’ cohort. The women visited the clinic during pregnancy weeks 24 and 36. Their children were followed at the clinic with deep phenotyping and collection of biological samples at nine regular visits until the age of 3 and at acute symptoms. Randomized controlled trials of high‐dose vitamin D and fish oil supplements were conducted during pregnancy, and a trial of azithromycin for acute lung symptoms was conducted in the children with recurrent wheeze. RESULTS: Seven hundred and thirty‐eight mothers were recruited from week 24 of gestation, and 700 of their children were included in the birth cohort. The cohort has an over‐representation of atopic parents. The participant satisfaction was high and the adherence equally high with 685 children (98%) attending the 1 year clinic visit and 667 children (95%) attending the 2 year clinic visit. CONCLUSIONS: The COPSAC(2010) birth cohort study provides longitudinal clinical follow‐up with highly specific end‐points, exposure assessments, and biobanking. The cohort has a high adherence rate promising strong data to elucidate the interaction between genomics and the exposome in perinatal life leading to lifestyle‐related chronic inflammatory disorders such as asthma

    New loci associated with birth weight identify genetic links between intrauterine growth and adult height and metabolism.

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    Birth weight within the normal range is associated with a variety of adult-onset diseases, but the mechanisms behind these associations are poorly understood. Previous genome-wide association studies of birth weight identified a variant in the ADCY5 gene associated both with birth weight and type 2 diabetes and a second variant, near CCNL1, with no obvious link to adult traits. In an expanded genome-wide association meta-analysis and follow-up study of birth weight (of up to 69,308 individuals of European descent from 43 studies), we have now extended the number of loci associated at genome-wide significance to 7, accounting for a similar proportion of variance as maternal smoking. Five of the loci are known to be associated with other phenotypes: ADCY5 and CDKAL1 with type 2 diabetes, ADRB1 with adult blood pressure and HMGA2 and LCORL with adult height. Our findings highlight genetic links between fetal growth and postnatal growth and metabolism

    Minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles 2018 (MISEV2018):a position statement of the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles and update of the MISEV2014 guidelines

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    The last decade has seen a sharp increase in the number of scientific publications describing physiological and pathological functions of extracellular vesicles (EVs), a collective term covering various subtypes of cell-released, membranous structures, called exosomes, microvesicles, microparticles, ectosomes, oncosomes, apoptotic bodies, and many other names. However, specific issues arise when working with these entities, whose size and amount often make them difficult to obtain as relatively pure preparations, and to characterize properly. The International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV) proposed Minimal Information for Studies of Extracellular Vesicles (“MISEV”) guidelines for the field in 2014. We now update these “MISEV2014” guidelines based on evolution of the collective knowledge in the last four years. An important point to consider is that ascribing a specific function to EVs in general, or to subtypes of EVs, requires reporting of specific information beyond mere description of function in a crude, potentially contaminated, and heterogeneous preparation. For example, claims that exosomes are endowed with exquisite and specific activities remain difficult to support experimentally, given our still limited knowledge of their specific molecular machineries of biogenesis and release, as compared with other biophysically similar EVs. The MISEV2018 guidelines include tables and outlines of suggested protocols and steps to follow to document specific EV-associated functional activities. Finally, a checklist is provided with summaries of key points